Building a home after his own heart

Friday, December 20, 2013

You are my Greatest Adventure.

I truly enjoyed our road trip in the mini van today... the precious noise of our girls in the backseat, Joel's ears sticking up from the trunk, you angered at the window that is still broken, the noise from the wind making a conversation near impossible, your hand in mine,  enjoying being together. 

Five years ago today was the start of the best and most adventurous years of my life so far. I love Jimmy Adams so much more significantly than I ever knew was possible. I can see the love of God through the way that he loves me and our girls and my respect for him has only grown as I continue to see with each passing year his genuine desire to serve God and his family first. He has been such a rock for me during difficult times... he has always told me exactly what I needed to hear and though I didn't always receive it well, it's one of the qualities that has only made me admire him more. I love that you have more common sense than anyone I have ever met and that I like to make every decision based on how I feel... sometimes it drives us nuts, but it continues to amaze me to see the ways that God has shown his power through each of our strengths and weaknesses. Those funny things about you that I don't understand half the time are the things I value so much in you.

You watched as I went through my labor with Sadie that seemed like it woud never end. It was the hardest battle I have ever fought. You saw me push through by God's grace. You listened when I told you how significant that day was for me... not only had I been blessed with the best gift from God, but I had conquered my fear and felt so empowered. And though you may not have understood, you truly listened and when Sadie's second birthday rolled around, you remembered how significant that day was for me and brought me flowers calling it my "Mommyversary". That might have been the sweetest, most significant thing you could have ever done for me. 

I love you during wonderful times, hard times, times of plenty, times of need, through good health, through sickness, through sleepless nights, through disappointments, through moments sent straight from heaven... I always want to experience all of it with you. There may not be such a thing as "the one", but I know for certain something even more exciting- that God brought you to specifically to me and for that I will be forever grateful. 

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